Our patented process was developed in order to elevate redundant assets up the hierarchy of waste in order to enable National Highways and Local Authorities to re-use their redundant but serviceable assets.

The VeRSco re-use and renovation process allows the end-user to ensure that their road restraint system resources are in use for as long as possible allowing the greatest value to be extracted from those resources prior to the need for end-of-life replacement.


The take down and replacement of vehicle restraint assets prior to end of serviceable life significantly contributes to a waste stream for National Highways and Local Authorities. We developed a process to minimize the volume of material sent for recycling and promote elements of the take down material up the hierarchy of waste by testing, preparing and certifying the material for re-use.


By promoting the renovation and re-use, as opposed to recycling, we avoid the manufacturing process of new steel products. Through avoiding the manufacturing process for new steel products 1.38 tonnes of embodied carbon equivalents is avoided for every tonne of road restraint system. This added value is further realised by extending the serviceable life of the impact beam by a minimum of 20 years and can be readily repeated resulting in a Closed Loop Circular Economy.


This innovative process received national recognition at the Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) National Awards and was HIGHLY COMMENDED in the innovation category and COMMENDED in the sustainability category.


By preparing redundant corrugate and open box beams for re-use we offer and provide the most sustainable solution to the market.

We divert steel components from entering the recycling waste stream, prior to it reaching the end of its serviceable life, thereby ensuring the greatest possible value is extracted from the product.

WRAP Assessment
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